Tutorial: Single Protein

This tutorial can help you start working with PyeMap.

Basic Usage


The first step of PyeMap analysis is parsing of a .cif or pdb file.

You can either provide PyeMap with the path to the file:

>>> import pyemap
>>> my_emap = pyemap.parse("path/to/protein.pdb")

Or fetch from the RCSB database by 4 character PDB ID:

>>> my_emap = pyemap.fetch_and_parse("1u3d")
Fetching file 1u3d from RSCB Database...
Identified 3 non-protein ET active moieties.

This generates an emap object; a dynamic data structure which manages the data at all phases of pyemap analysis. At this stage, the emap object contains the parsed protein structure, and a list of automatically identified non-protein electron transfer active moieties.


Next, construct the graph model of the protein crystal structure using process()

>>> pyemap.process(my_emap)
>>> my_emap.init_graph_to_Image().show()

Surface exposed residues appear as rectangular nodes, while buried residues appear as oval nodes. Edge weights are proportional to distances between residues. By default, all Trp, Tyr, and automatically detected non-protein electron transfer active moieties are included.

There are various parameters one can specify to control which residues are included in the graph, and the overall connectivity of the graph. For example, to include phenylalanine residues, and to modify the pure distance filter for edges, do:

>>> pyemap.process(my_emap,include_residues=['Y','W','F'],distance_cutoff=15)
>>> my_emap.init_graph_to_Image().show()

Find Pathways

Finally, search for possible pathways from a specified electron/hole donor to the surface using find_paths():

>>> pyemap.find_paths(my_emap,"FAD510(A)-2")
>>> my_emap.paths_graph_to_Image().show()

Alternatively, you can search for pathways from a specified donor to a particular acceptor:

>>> pyemap.find_paths(my_emap,"FAD510(A)-2", target = "W324(A)", max_paths=10)
>>> my_emap.paths_graph_to_Image().show()

To get a report of the pathways found by pyemap, use report()

>>> print(my_emap.report())
Branch: W324(A)
1a: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W400(A)', 'W377(A)', 'W324(A)'] 24.15
1b: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W385(A)', 'Y53(A)', 'W377(A)', 'W324(A)'] 35.25
1c: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W400(A)', 'W334(A)', 'W379(A)', 'W324(A)'] 36.37
1d: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W400(A)', 'W377(A)', 'W492(A)', 'W324(A)'] 49.20
1e: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W385(A)', 'Y53(A)', 'Y309(A)', 'W377(A)', 'W324(A)'] 50.67
1f: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W385(A)', 'Y53(A)', 'W377(A)', 'W492(A)', 'W324(A)'] 60.30
1g: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W385(A)', 'Y53(A)', 'W377(A)', 'W400(A)', 'W334(A)', 'W379(A)', 'W324(A)'] 61.93
1h: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W356(A)', 'Y432(A)', 'W436(A)', 'W352(A)', 'Y383(A)', 'W334(A)', 'W379(A)', 'W324(A)'] 72.20
1i: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W385(A)', 'Y53(A)', 'Y309(A)', 'W377(A)', 'W492(A)', 'W324(A)'] 75.72
1j: ['FAD510(A)-2', 'W385(A)', 'Y53(A)', 'Y309(A)', 'W377(A)', 'W400(A)', 'W334(A)', 'W379(A)', 'W324(A)'] 77.35

Interacting with the emap object

The emap object manages all of the data at every stage of the analysis, and this data is accessible through its attributes and functions.


Much of the data on residues is stored in various dictionaries, where the key is residue name as it appears in the graph image. For example, to directly access the Biopython Residue object corresponding to the node W324(A) do:

>>> residue_obj = my_emap.residues["W324(A)"]
>>> print(type(residue_obj))
<class 'Bio.PDB.Residue.Residue'>

The same is true of pathways, which are stored as ShortestPath objects. Any pathway(and by extension its attributes) can be accessed by its pathway ID. For example, if you want the selection string for visualization of pathway 1a in the NGL viewer, do:

>>> my_path = my_emap.paths["1a"]
>>> print(my_path.selection_strs)
'(510 and :A and .N1) or (510 and :A and .C2) or (510 and :A and .O2) or (510 and :A and .N3) or
(510 and :A and .C4) or (510 and :A and .O4) or (510 and :A and .C4X) or (510 and :A and .N5) or
(510 and :A and .C5X) or (510 and :A and .C6) or (510 and :A and .C7) or (510 and :A and .C8) or
(510 and :A and .C9) or (510 and :A and .C9A) or (510 and :A and .N10) or (510 and :A and .C10)',
'(400 and :A and .CG) or (400 and :A and .CD1) or (400 and :A and .CD2) or (400 and :A and .NE1) or
(400 and :A and .CE2) or (400 and :A and .CE3) or (400 and :A and .CZ2) or (400 and :A and .CZ3) or
(400 and :A and .CH2)', '(377 and :A and .CG) or (377 and :A and .CD1) or (377 and :A and .CD2) or
(377 and :A and .NE1) or (377 and :A and .CE2) or (377 and :A and .CE3) or (377 and :A and .CZ2) or
(377 and :A and .CZ3) or (377 and :A and .CH2)', '(324 and :A and .CG) or (324 and :A and .CD1) or
(324 and :A and .CD2) or (324 and :A and .NE1) or (324 and :A and .CE2) or (324 and :A and .CE3) or
(324 and :A and .CZ2) or (324 and :A and .CZ3) or (324 and :A and .CH2)'


The graphs are stored in the emap object as NetworkX Graph objects. The attributes of edges and vertices can be accessed from these graphs in usual NetworkX fashion (see their documentation for more information). For example, to access the weight of the edge connecting vertices FAD510(A)-2 and W400(A), do:

>>> weight = my_emap.init_graph["FAD510(A)-2"]["W400(A)"]['weight']
>>> print(weight)

If what you need instead is the actual distance, this information is also kept:

>>> dist = my_emap.init_graph["FAD510(A)-2"]["W400(A)"]['distance']
>>> print(dist)



Graph images and chemical structures of non-protein electron transfer active moieties can be exported to PIL with the residue_to_Image(), init_graph_to_Image(), paths_graph_to_Image() functions. To save to file, use paths_graph_to_file(), init_graph_to_file(), and residue_to_file().

>>> my_emap.residue_to_Image("FAD510(A)-2").show()


Pathways can be visualized in the crystal structure using the NGLView Jupyter Widget. Pass the pathway ID of interest along with a nglview.widget.NGLWidget object to the visualize_pathway_in_nglview() function.

>>> import nglview as nv
>>> view = nv.show_file(my_emap.file_path)
>>> view.clear_representations()
>>> view.add_cartoon(color="lightgray")
>>> my_emap.visualize_pathway_in_nglview("1a",view)
>>> view